Bhawrasala, Behind SAIMS Hospital, Sanwer Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, 453331
0731-425 31 25 | +91 97 524 108 47


Chemistry Department

Welcome to the Department of Chemistry

The aim of the LNCT Gwalior Chemistry Department is to provide sound training in the fundamental principles and basic techniques of the science and to provide interested students with the opportunity for advanced work in the main sub disciplines of modern chemistry and biochemistry.

There is an active research program at LNCT Gwalior and students are encouraged to include research as part of their undergraduate education.

In addition to close collaboration in research labs, many of the upper level courses are taught as seminars providing for in-depth exchanges between students and faculty.

Dr. Shivani Bansal
Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Gwalior (M.P.)