Campus: The lush green institute campus provide an ideal setting for education amidst a tranquil atmosphere. The infrastructure within the college campus includes: main building with classroom labs and administrative offices.
Central Library:
Aesthetically designed library with reading hall and an open access refrence section encourages students to spend time in acquiring new knowledge with the collection of 27 thousand books in edition to 1500 journals and access to e-journals. Our library reckond as one of the best in town roughly 2500 books added each year. The collection is growing bigger.
Laboratory: The college as equipped its labs according to the latest curriculum of Rajive Gandhi Technical University, Bhopal. Fully air conditioned computer center with 550 computers. All computers are in LAN with lease line for fast and uninterepted use of internet. all latest versions of licences software are available. The major labs in the college for the first year students are as mentioned below:
Hostels: College is providing a separate hostel facility for boys for 160 students and girls for 80 students in a peaceful and serene atmosphere of the college campus itself.